Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tabata and running

A. “Tabata This”
Don't judge me because of my crappy, mid-WOD penmanship.  Judge me because of my pathetic push-up totals.

(tabata = 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)

4 mins each of:

Pullups - 62 total

Pushups - 55 total

Situps - 81  total

Squats - 118 Total

Final score was 316.  That's within striking distance of the last time I did this in December (333), but it's still lower across the board.  Well, I am slightly older and fatter since then. 

B. 1km Run, 400m Run, 200m Run

1km - 4:43   Hey, you know what feels great after doing more than 100 squats?  Me neither, but it sure as fuck isn't a 1km run.

400m - 1:29  I was off to a nice lead on this one until the home stretch, when a dude named Frazier (who had destroyed everyone in our group on the 1km) blew past me like I was standing still.  That actually hurt my feelings to the point I slowed down slightly.  He also has a fantastic head of hair, so I am doubly envious.

200m - :51   I did NOT want to run anymore by this point.


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