Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gotta earn that Serburger

I knew I was going to the Serbian Club for lunch today, so when the alarm went off at 5:30a.m., I got up and went to the gym. 

What do these two things have to do with each other? 

Well, the Serbian Club's specialty is a garlic-laden monstrosity known as the Serburger.  It is so enormous they don't even give you the option of fries on the side.

No, this is not an illusion and I don't have a teeny-tiny face.  That is just one big frickin' burger.  

Obviously, one session of CrossFit wouldn't be enough to counter the total impact of a Serburger, but it's at least putting up an effort. 

Today's WOD was an eye-opener.   

A. “Kettleballs”
50 Wall Ball
15 Kettlebell Swings
35 Wall Ball
30 Bell Swings
20 Wall Ball
45 Bell Swings

Took me 12:32.  That felt like a long time.  I took too many breaks and the breaks were too long.  Please excuse me as I go hang my head in shame for a moment. 

. . .

Okay, I'm back. 

B. 1200m Run (600m x 2)

"Hey, you know what would feel awesome after 100+ wall balls?  Running 1.2km!"
-No one, ever

I kept up with Dana for maybe 100m before my legs were like, "Yeah... that's not happening, pal.  Sorry."


1 comment:

Aaron said...

That burger looks awesome!