Friday, August 31, 2012

Press, Deadlifts, Rhiannon

A. Shoulder Press 3-3-3
Ended up with 135
B. Deadlift 1×5


C. “Rhiannon”
Max Double-Unders in 10 minutes

300.  Not my best.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


For time:

40-30-20-10 reps of:

Wall Ball – 20lb
Box Jumps – 24″

So that adds up to 100 reps of each exercise, which is decidedly un-fun.

Thankfully, I didn't tear my sissy hands on the pull-ups.  That's probably because I took way too many breaks. 

D3 blew past me somewhere in the 20s and ended up finishing more than a minute ahead. Considering the 20s and the 10s were supposed to be the quick rounds, that shows just how slow I was moving at that point.  He was pounding out multiples of pull-ups and box-jumps while I was doing singles. 

27:27, rx'd, and I'm not unhappy with that time. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


The family was in Calgary for a week, which allowed me to do a little CrossFit tourism and sneak in a WOD at one of the local gyms. 

I went to CrossFit Athlete Inside, and did the benchmark girl "Isabel."

30 snatches for time (135lbs)

What I really liked about this was the fact that Coach Kevin led the group through a really extensive warm-up, focusing on the pull from the ground, working up to weights heavier than we'd be using in the WOD. 

Kevin and one of CrossFit AI's firebreather athletes Tim did their best to help me refine my spazzy snatch technique and footwork, but there's only so much you can do in an hour. 

Still I managed to knock 91 seconds off my previous time, even with a shoulder that's been giving me some issues. 

6:45, rx'd. 

Friday, August 17, 2012


A. Bench Press 3-3-3-3

115 - 135 - 145-155- 165

B. Metcon = The “Expendable”

150 Double Unders
5 Front Squats (1/2 Body weight, for me that's 95 lbs)
5 Pull ups
10 Front Squats
10 Pull ups
15 Front Squats
15 Pull ups
20 Front Squats
20 Pull ups

I didn't exactly do it in this order, though.  I missed the rounds of 15, called "Time," then wondered how the hell I passed Jarvis who was way in front of me ("Hmm, he must of been really slow on his front squats.")

Then I looked at the whiteboard and realized I went from the 10s to the 20s. 



Thursday, August 16, 2012

Burpee/KB Metcon

It's a 10-min AMRAP combined with an every minute on the minute WOD.  Two types of awful for the price of one!
Here's the deal:
We do one burpee on the first min, two on the second, etc.
With the time remaining in each of the minutes, we swing a kettlebell until it feels like our arms are going to fall off. (These are not the official instructions, BTW).

Your score is the number of KB Swings.

Because I am the World's Laziest CrossFitter and not particularly gifted athletically, I usually try to gameplan WODs to maximize my score with minimal effort.   But this one was hard to gameplan. 

I figured I would get tired later, so the smart thing to do was to try to maximize the swings early on, when I had the most time. 

It mostly worked, I think.  

As the number of required burpees got higher,  I went slow during those in an effort to catch my breath to do a quick burst or two of bell swings. 
127, rx'd.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Five horrible, disgusting rounds of:

400m run
30 box jumps 24"
30 wall balls

34:02  I wasn't thrilled with that time.  Then I reminded myself that getting mad over something like this is pretty lame. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gotta earn that Serburger

I knew I was going to the Serbian Club for lunch today, so when the alarm went off at 5:30a.m., I got up and went to the gym. 

What do these two things have to do with each other? 

Well, the Serbian Club's specialty is a garlic-laden monstrosity known as the Serburger.  It is so enormous they don't even give you the option of fries on the side.

No, this is not an illusion and I don't have a teeny-tiny face.  That is just one big frickin' burger.  

Obviously, one session of CrossFit wouldn't be enough to counter the total impact of a Serburger, but it's at least putting up an effort. 

Today's WOD was an eye-opener.   

A. “Kettleballs”
50 Wall Ball
15 Kettlebell Swings
35 Wall Ball
30 Bell Swings
20 Wall Ball
45 Bell Swings

Took me 12:32.  That felt like a long time.  I took too many breaks and the breaks were too long.  Please excuse me as I go hang my head in shame for a moment. 

. . .

Okay, I'm back. 

B. 1200m Run (600m x 2)

"Hey, you know what would feel awesome after 100+ wall balls?  Running 1.2km!"
-No one, ever

I kept up with Dana for maybe 100m before my legs were like, "Yeah... that's not happening, pal.  Sorry."


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tabata and running

A. “Tabata This”
Don't judge me because of my crappy, mid-WOD penmanship.  Judge me because of my pathetic push-up totals.

(tabata = 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)

4 mins each of:

Pullups - 62 total

Pushups - 55 total

Situps - 81  total

Squats - 118 Total

Final score was 316.  That's within striking distance of the last time I did this in December (333), but it's still lower across the board.  Well, I am slightly older and fatter since then. 

B. 1km Run, 400m Run, 200m Run

1km - 4:43   Hey, you know what feels great after doing more than 100 squats?  Me neither, but it sure as fuck isn't a 1km run.

400m - 1:29  I was off to a nice lead on this one until the home stretch, when a dude named Frazier (who had destroyed everyone in our group on the 1km) blew past me like I was standing still.  That actually hurt my feelings to the point I slowed down slightly.  He also has a fantastic head of hair, so I am doubly envious.

200m - :51   I did NOT want to run anymore by this point.


Monday, August 6, 2012

“The Trooper-ish” and Double Unders

“The Trooper-ish”
800m Run

15 Snatches – 135/85lb (Advanced do 155/100lb)

400m Run

30 Front Squats – 155/105 (Advanced do 205/145lb)

*Add your own weight onto bar, must take bar from floor
Time cap =20 minutes

I used the 135 for the snatches, but thought I could handle the 205 front squats. 

Wrong.  After six reps, and two cleans, it was pretty clear I wasn't going to finish if I kept that much weight on the bar.  I lightened the weight to 155, and even with that, it wasn't a sure thing that I could get it done under the time cap.

3 scores:

1. 800m Run time   3:29

2. # of Front Squats in first set   3
3. Overall time (or if unfinished, time cap + 1 second for every unfinished rep)  18:58

B. 3 sets of Max Double-Unders

46, 49, 55 (PR)
I broke my previous DU PR of 53, which was nearly two years old. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Rack Jerks and "Nasty Girls"

A. Rack Jerks 3-2-1-1-1

215x1 (FAIL)
215x1 (FAIL)

B. “Nasty Girls” 3 rounds for time:

50 Squats

7 Muscle-Ups (Sub 3 pull-ups/3 push-ups per MU)

10 Hang Power Cleans – 135/95lb

I can't remember .  Maybe 15:29? 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"Tyler? Are you gonna make it?"

Three rounds, for time, of:

500m row
12 Bodyweight deadlift (185lbs because I'm a fatty)
21 Box Jumps  20"

13:40 (PR)

I was completely spent afterward.  Like, someone-asking-me-if-I-was-going-to-live kind of spent.  I'd say who it was, but I actually don't know, because I was in a state of exhausted, post-WOD delerium, so grateful for the opportunity to just lay on the black floor mats and NOT HAVE TO EXERCISE ANYMORE. 

(Actually, we were supposed to do weighted pull-ups afterward, but I had to get back to work, so I skipped out on those.  They would have just damaged my self-esteem, anyway.)

Writing this 24 hours after the fact, I just realized that this is a one-second PR for me.  Before doing the WOD, I consulted the Sissy Hands Archives for my previous Christine results, but I didn't read carefully.  I had done it with 135 lbs in 13:14 years ago, but my best recorded rx'd time was 13:41.   When I did this last December, it was 13:57.