Thursday, May 10, 2012


A. Row 1200m

4:16. I was feeling pretty darn good about myself about that one, until...

B. 5 rds for time:
10 (2 bell swings+1 goblet squat) 55/35lb
10 pushups
18:30ish. This was awful, and not just the usual kind of CrossFit awful. I don't know if I was spent from the row or what, but I was THISCLOSE to taking a DNF by the second round. For some reason, this WOD just seemed so hard. It seemed to just suck the life out of me. I may have had the single slowest rx'd time of the whole day. Most people were four to six minutes faster than me. I hated this workout, I hated myself and my lack of spirit, willpower, endurance.

C. Row 1200m

4:41.3 After the debacle in part B. I just wanted to get through this and do it in under five minutes.

Then, I just wanted to go home and wallow in my own suckitude.


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