Saturday, August 14, 2010

Team Okotoks

In teams of 4 (2 men and 2 women):
600m run by both males in tandem
25 OHS 65# by both females, each (men rest)
25 OHS 95# by both males, each (females rest)
80 burpees in 8 sets of 10, each athlete does sets of 10 in order i.e. 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4
25 SDLHP 65# by both females, each (men rest)
25 SDLHP 95# by both males, each (females rest)
600m run by both females in tandem

I teamed with Darren, Kim Fe, and Kat for this one, and it took us 18-something.

Everything felt good, probably because there was lots of rest. I felt like I had a pretty good pace on the 600m run. I did the 25 OHS unbroken. I actually should have done them in smaller sets to make it easier on Darren, who is nursing an ankle injury.

Burpees are burpees. I can do sets of 10 pretty quickly. The sumo deadlift high pulls felt better than they usually do. I think I was getting a better shrug than I ever have before.


Anonymous said...

Good teaming up with you on Saturday Tyler. You, Kat, and Kim crushed the OHS. It wasn't my ankle that slowed me down, just my sissy OHS!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is Darren.