Monday, August 9, 2010

Strength - Workout B

Back squats - Three sets of 5 x 265 lbs

Nasty. I nearly lost it on the last rep of the second set. Third set felt great, though.

Bench press - Three sets of 5 x 160 lbs FAIL!

Got it up four times in the first set, five times in the second and three times in the third.

Deadlift - One set of 5 x 285 lbs

Fucking heavy, and I lifted too much with my arms. But it went up. I used the hook grip and that was not pleasant on the thumbs, let me tells ya.


Kurt said...

I think you just need someone yelling at you for the bench press.

Tyler said...

I had Blair yelling for the first two sets and Shae on the third.

Kurt said...

Then I suggest Moo-Cow Fuckmilk.

Hats off to you dude for getting the results since you're still mixing in the standard wods with your strength training.

The lifting alone kicked my ass and you aren't suffering one bit it seems.

Tyler said...

I need to be more consistent. In the past month, there have been several weeks where I only did one Strength day a week. Part of it was unavoidable, but I want to return to doing it at least two times a week.