Monday, January 4, 2010

Much to learn, young Tyler has. Much work left to do, there is

Sorry for the Yoda-esque title. I've been playing a lot of swordfighting on our new Wii Sports Resort game, and I'm feeling sort of Jedi.

I went to CFR tonight to take part in strength club. The competition team training, of which most of the strength club members are a part, has introduced some new stuff to the curriculum. Tonight was a lot of snatch work, followed by a mini metcon. ("Heavy Jackie": 1000m row, 30 push press with 125lb, 15 pull-ups; my time was 8:17, three seconds behind Harlan.)

I won't go into all the details, but tonight was a good reminder that I need to consistently practice Olympic lifting technique.

But my biggest CrossFit priority this year is getting stronger. How much stronger? I don't think it's out of the question for me to have a CrossFit total that's over 800. I'm at 705 now, and I think with some hard work, I should be able to put at least 50lbs on my deadlift, 30 on my back squat and 20 on my shoulder press.

I thought about going nuts with the milk, but I have a hard enough time staying lean as it is. I would like to go the Chris T. or BrianB route and have a low amount of body fat, but still be able to move a sufficient amount of heavy weight, have a pretty good metcon capacity and look decent with my shirt off (I realize that's vain; I'm so vain that I do think that Pat BenetarCarly Simon song is about me).

If I want to get better, I gotta get stronger. While it was fun to do the same workout as the competition team, I think I will stick with the regular strength club programming from this point forward.


Chris said...

Sounds good Tyler. I don't think you are much different than I but the system I use is pretty simple and it mostly revolves around quality food and getting lots of protein with less than 100 grams of carbs/day. Ideally under 60 but that doesn't happen too often.

Chris said...

I don't know why the stupid link thing didn't work.

Tyler said...

I think that when you copy and paste a URL into the Blogger comment form, it doesn't automatically transform it into a link, you'd have to use the HTML coding. But I wouldn't worry about it. People who want to visit your blog (and everyone with an interest in fitness or nutrition should check it out; Chris knows his stuff and explains things so even a knucklehead with ADHD like me can understand) can copy and paste the URL or just click on your name.

Anonymous said...

Carly Simons sings that tune, FYI. And Tyler don't get any skinnier, you'll look like a rez dog.....all ribs and cock. Can I say cock on this blog. Because if I can't say cock, please let me know immediately that the word cock is inappropriate.


Anonymous said...

I will never comment on this blog again but if Tyler can say snatch then A can say cock.


Kurt said...

Tyler, I may scale back to just the strength training myself. I've been sitting out of CF this week because I'm really beat up and I don't think I can physically take the abuse.

I mean everything hurts...tendons in arms, knees, shoulder. We'll see how I feel in three weeks.

And Chris helped me figure out that I was not eating nearly enough fat.

You have roughly the same strength goal I do -- a 800lb CFT.