Sunday, November 16, 2014

CFR: "Jorge"

30-24-18-12-6 sit-ups*
15-12-9-6-3 squat cleans (155 lb)

*According to CFHQ, this is rx'd if you do GHD sit-ups.  CrossFit Regina gives you a star if you do regular sit-ups and calls it ubered if you do GHDs.  I did regular sit-ups so I could compare my time today with my previous time.   Plus there are only 2 GHDs and there were 3 people already using them.  But mostly, I just figured I'd mess up my back. 

During the warm-up, 155 lb squat cleans seemed heavier than I remembered.  Maybe it's the shiny new Rogue bar, I thought.  I actually checked to make sure the bar was only 45 lb.   It was.  I'm just weak. 

I tried to limit my breaks on the squat cleans this time around.   I had a steady, unspectacular pace and finished at 13:17, which is more than a minute and a half quicker than the previous time doing this one. 

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