Monday, January 28, 2013

Clean and Jerks / Jan Dot Com

A.  Hang Squat Clean x 3  + 1 Jerk

165 - 180(PR) - 185(PR)

I still like these. 

B. Clean and Jerk 1 -1 - 1

195 - 205(fail) - 205(fail)

I successfully power cleaned the 205 both times.  Then for some reason, I couldn't get the jerk.  I think the issue was largely mental, though my shoulders were getting a bit tired.  I wasn't focused enough and I let the bar travel out in front of me more than I should have. 

C. Jan Dot Com

Three rounds for time of:
15 35lbdumbell squat snatch (right arm)
15 sit-ups
15 35lb dumbell squat snatch (left arm)
15 double unders

This WOD doesn't look like a lot on paper.  (Go ahead, print out this web page, go to your printer and look at the WOD.  See, I told you it doesn't look like much.) 

However, the fact that the DB snatches were squat snatches made this tough and took more time.  I had some pretty wonky squat snatches once fatigue set in.  I did manage to do the DUs unbroken, which is good.

I believe my time was 11:29 or thereabouts. 

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