Thursday, July 29, 2010

Strength - Workout B

Back squats - Three sets of 5 x 255 lbs

These felt heavy, but fine, especially considering it's been more than a week since my last Strength day. The squat-focused WODs in Calgary probably didn't hurt, but it's still a long time between gym visits.

Bench press - Three sets of 5 x 160 lbs

Got the first set (PR), but then failed on the next two. Second set: four reps. Third set: ONE measly rep. Damn.

Deadlift - One set of 5 x 275 lbs

Got it, but it felt pretty ugly.

Time to eat something.


kurt said...

1st to predict you'll be hitting 300 for you 5's in the next 3 weeks.

On the bench press are your reps quick or do you tack a pause at the top to get a couple of big breaths?

Tyler said...

I usually do the first three reps quick, breathing on each one. Then pause locked out at the top on the later ones to give my arms a bit of a rest.

On the third set today, I bounced the first one off my chest pretty hard, which didn't really have any negative physical consequences, as much as it messed with my concentration.