Friday, July 23, 2010

Another CrossFit Calgary WOD

It was split into two parts. These WODs weren't timed, but we were supposed to record loads.


Five rounds of:

2-4 x 3211 overhead squats.
-The idea was to control your descent and ascent (three seconds on the way down, two at the bottom, up in one, rest for one) using a weight that would make this challenging.
Rest 90 seconds
50 double unders in as few sets as possible.
Rest 90 seconds

For the overhead squats, I used 115 for the first two sets, 125 for the third, and 130 for the last two. I did four reps on all of the sets except for the last one.

For the DUs, I never did 50 unbroken. My best sets were 39 and 48 in rounds 1 and 4 respectively.


Four rounds of:

25 bell swings (unbroken)
Rest 90 seconds
25 wall balls (unbroken)
Rest 90 seconds

I used a 40 lb kettlebell and a 20 lb medicine ball for all of these. I did manage to do them unbroken. I feel like I sort of copped out by not using a 55 lb KB, but I don't think I could have done more than one set unbroken.

1 comment:

Kurt said...

Nice job on the ohs work Tyler. Sounds hard having to descend slower like that.