Thursday, October 15, 2009

Willpower? What the fuck is that?

I've been eating pretty clean lately. I won't rate it on the Paleo scale, but it's been mostly meat, fruit, veggies (spinach and red peppers), Tracey's homemade chock-full o'goodness berry-banana-protein powder smoothies, almond butter, and even the odd bit of fish oil.

I haven't been perfect, though because the people who employ me prefer it when I do work at my desk rather than fall asleep, I've been getting through the afternoons with the help of either a Diet Pepsi or an energy drink (FYI: AMP does not work, so don't buy it even though it's on sale at Shoppers). Plus, I have a fair amount of beer in my fridge, and it's not gonna drink itself, so I'll have one or two in the evening while playing Mario Kart Wii with the Boy. You get the fun of driving with an open container without the guilt, shame or legal consequences.

However, on the balance, I've been pretty good about what I put into my body. Part of it is because Tracey is eating really healthy and she prepares most of our meals. As a result, I'm consistently weighing in at 175, or even a few tenths of a pound lower. This would have been a pipe dream before I started CrossFit when I was north of 210 (I think; weighing myself back then was depressing).

Because I apparently enjoy sabotaging any of my personal gains, I was actually thinking of rewarding myself with some 7-11 nachos today, but when I got to work, there were Girl Guide cookies on the break room table, and we were having cheesecake (two different kinds!) for a co-workers birthday.

Tally so far today:
- two pieces of cheesecake
- five cookies.

Last time I checked the breakroom, there was one cookie and half a cheesecake left.

I got the nachos. Details at Tyler Has Nothing to Say.


Chris said...

Dude, you have your own Hero WOD now!

Anonymous said...

WTF fish oil now too, !!!!