Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tyler becomes zombie meat

Today's WOD was "Zombieland":

800m run (Run from the zombies)
50 55lb bell swings (Hit zombie in the face with something heavy)
50 24" box jumps (Jump and stomp on zombie)
50 200lb deadlifts (Pick up dead zombie)
50 20lb wall ball (Throw zombie's head)
50 walking lunges w/45lb plate overhead (Carry buddy to safety)
800m run (Shit! More zombies)

I tried to catch D3 on the run, and even got up to his heels. Then he sped up and I gassed out. I actually stopped on the final 200m. Meaning, I didn't just stop running, but I briefly stopped moving at all, bent over with my hands on my knees, cursing my utter worthlessness. I can't remember the last time I did that mid-run.

I deserve to be eaten.

Time was 30:07.


1 comment:

Leya said...

Finally gave that WOD a go tonight. It was a FOUL beast. Good work on it, Tyler!