Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ring Dips/Box Jumps/Double Unders

I would have liked to do the benchmark "Helen" again at CrossFit Regina last night. There were a lot of people were getting PRs after a month of Paleo dieting, including Tracey, who shaved two minutes off her time from a month ago. But with the games on Saturday coming up, I didn't want the bell swings in Helen to re-aggravate my back, which is still bothering me a bit from the sumo deadlift high pulls on Saturday. Though, part of me wonders if sitting in an office chair is doing more damage than anything else.

Instead of Helen, I rolled out to CrossFit Creekside to do a made-up workout.

For time, five rounds of:

7 Ring Dips
15 Box Jumps (24" box)
25 Double Unders

I chose dips because it's something I need to work on, and to go Level 1 at this weekend's games I'm going to need to work on them. Plus, I bought the rings, I better use them.

With the way that Robin has been including double unders as a "Games Bonus" following workouts lately, it doesn't take a genius to suspect that DUs are going to be part of one of the workouts. Unfortunately, I have let my DU skills slide. I used to include them as part of my warm-up, but have slacked off. I figured 25 is a good reasonable number, but hard enough to get to if you're already fatigued from box jumps.

My time was 13:50. This is another one of those cases where I think doing the workout solo resulted in me not pushing myself as hard as I would if I was trying to keep up with (or ahead of) someone.

1 comment:

Kurt said...

With 10 consecutive ring dips you're probably ready for a muscle up.