Monday, August 10, 2009

F**king Wall Balls

I owed for Saturday, Sunday, and today. Hell, let's throw in tomorrow's, too. That's 345, so let's round up to 350.

Harlan joins me. He hasn't done any for a week. He does 450 and is still behind.

Serves him right for making me tap out on my own trampoline on Saturday.


Anonymous said...

see and now everyone wants a shot at the title


Anonymous said...

those F**king wall balls, the 1000+ I did last time didn't make me feel as sore as the 450 I did the other day with you (sick mind you).

On top of that I have to look forward to doing another marathon F**King wballs before getting in a car and driving 10 F*KING hours to Edmonton (the city of Champions). And I can assure you I will look like a complete tool doing F*KING wb's in Edmonton at Sparks while other people are doing cool WODS. This is the last time I'm doing this shit, have I mentioned that.