Saturday, June 10, 2017

B-Squad - Saturday Morning Metcon

Back to B-Squad for the second straight day.

First, I did the second part of the previous day's workout, which I said I was going to do at home but of course never did.

A. Three rounds of:
-500m row
-15 ball slams (20lb)

I was supposed to rest 2 mintues between rounds, but I had shit to do so screw that.  

Nice little warm-up.

B. Bench - 3 rounds of 5-8

Hadn't benched in forever.  I did 3 rounds of 8 x 125lb and that was plenty for my weak ass.

AngDesj joined in.  125 is a light warm-up for her on the bench.

C. Deadlift -  3 rounds of 5

AngDesj explains why her bench is more than her DL: "I'm not build like a pyramid.  I'm built like a diamond."

185 was plenty for her to deadlift, and it was fine for me as well.  She gave me a few pointers on my technique.  I'm sure it's stuff someone may have told me before ((hips a little higher, back on my heels, lats engaged), but I don't feel like I ever actually executed it before.

D. Metcon

For time, four rounds of:
-24 wall balls
-12 burpees
-6 chest to bar pull-ups

Took me 12:30.

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