Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Mahalo, Kahala CrossFit

Toward the end of a two-week holiday in Hawaii, I managed to hit one CrossFit, in the hopes of countering all the fast food, beer, chips and mai tais. (No dice; I'm still a fat bastard).

Despite my many personal shortcomings, Kahala CrossFit let me join in on an early morning WOD on Christmas Eve. 

We did a verson of the 12 Days of Christmas WOD.  This one was considerably harder than the version I've done previously. 

Here's what we did:

1 power clean (135lbs)
2 handstand pushups
3 front squats (135lbs)
4 barbell roll-outs
5 C2B pull-ups
6 box jumps (24")
7 burpees
8 push-ups
9 wall ball
10 bell swings (55lb)
11 deadlifts (135lb)
12 thrusters

Remember, this workout is patterned like the song:

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: one power clean (in a pear tree, which sounds awkward as hell).
On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, two handstand pushups, and a power clean. etc.

So, just like the song, the workout got increasingly more difficult to perform.  After not having worked out in nearly a month, this hit me like a ton of bricks.  At one point, I laid on my back on the ground during the actual workout.

My spirits were bolstered, however, by the gym's sound system blasting modern versions of classic tunes, like this little ditty:

Thankfully, once we performed the 12 thrusters, we were done (ie. we didn't have to go back down through the movements again.)

I'm not sure of my actual finish time.  It may have been in the 37-minute range.     

I liked CrossFit Kahala and would recommend it to anyone going to Honolulu. After the WOD, the class was nice enough to pose for a pic with me (which I will post as soon as I can get Blogger to stop sucking so hard).  The owner, Shane, is a good guy who knows his stuff and prioritizes proper form over the RAWR WE'RE GONNA WORK YOU OUT TIL YOU MEET PUKEY CUZ WE HARDCORE mentality. 

I would love to go back to that gym and not only because it would mean I was in Hawaii instead of freezing my giblets in this goddamn Saskatchewan winter.  Seriously, why doesn't everyone just live in Hawaii? 

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