Saturday, May 18, 2013

Partner WODS

Saturday at CrossFit Regina featured three separate Partner WODs.

I got Steve as my partner, so we could be Steve 'n' Tyler aka "WOD Looks Like A Lady."

A.  100 Wall balls for time. 

Steve and I did these in sets of 10 each.  After one partner threw his 10th WB, the other caught it so there were no pauses in the action. 

It took us 3:12.


B. 10-min AMRAP

Alternating rounds with a partner (each partner does all 20 movements and then switches)

5 burpee pull-ups
5 jumping squats
5 clapping push-ups
5 toes-to-bar

Then, some idiot* suggested that to make this more interesting, the partner not doing the work had to be in a handstand hold. 

(*It was me.  Obviously.)

That made things interesting alright, if you define "interesting" as "exponentially more fucking terrible the longer this goes."

We did 7 rounds plus 4 burpulls. 


C. Partner Rhiannon, switching every time someone stops doing double unders.

This was a good WOD to have Steve as a partner.  He did 84 double unders off the hop... which was probably unwise when you consider that 10 min is a long time and I'm not nearly as good as double unders as he is. 

He did the lion's share.  We ended up with 738 and I think I maybe did 200 of them... if that. 

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