Tuesday, December 22, 2009


God this WOD sucks.

Five rounds of:
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats

Rest three minutes between rounds.

Round 1: 3:39
Round 2: 5:20
Round 3: 5:54
Round 4: 5:32
Round 5: 5:28

Total work time: 25:45.

(Times are approximate at the moment. I will change them to the accurate times when I find the piece of paper I wrote them on)


Robin said...

Nice work! According to your benchmarks on the left, you beat your September time by a minute.

And I agree, Barbara sucks. But then again, which one of the benchmark girls do not??

Tyler said...

Thanks! I forgot to check. I actually thought my previous time was 26:09, so I'm a bit happier about shaving a minute off, rather than 24 seconds.